NicabateCQ / NiquitinCQ / NicodermCQ (patches) - Is it right for me?

Please note that in the US NicobateCQ patches are known as NicoDerm and in Europe they are known as NiQuitin. How does NicabateCQ work? Is NicabateCQ right for me? Does NicabateCQ have any side effects? How much NicabateCQ should I use? Order Nicabate Patches now! How does NicabateCQ work? NicabateCQ is a transdermal therapeutic system that uses patches to release nicotine through the skin and into the bloodstream. NicabateCQ uses a special type of membrane to control the transfer of the nicotine through the skin. They are unique in that they have nicotine as a component of the adhesive used to hold the patch on. NicabateCQ uses an adhesive that is impregnated with a small amount of nicotine that serves as a loading dose and uses a polyisobutylene adhesive layer to attach the patch to the skin. NicabateCQ patches deliver more nicotine faster than other patches because it uses the skin rather than an artificial material as the rate-limiting membrane. You apply the NicabateCQ patch externally to a dry, hairless, and clean area of skin. If you live in a particularly hot or humid place then you might want to clean the piece of skin with a little alcohol to help dry it out before you apply the patch. An area of skin on the upper arm is a typical location for the patch but it is really up to you. Do not apply it to any area of skin that is already inflamed, broken or suffering from irritation. It is obviously a good idea to place it somewhere where it will not get caught on your clothing and is protected from friction. Somewhere discreet is usually a good idea as will as this is one of the benefits of using the patch system. Try to choose an area without skin creases or folds because they will hinder application of the patch. It is recommended that you change the area of skin that you apply a patch to each time. It does not have to be an entirely new area but give each surface site about a week's rest before you bring it back into rotation. Press the patch on for about 10 seconds so that it adheres securely to the skin. Do not worry if there appears to be slight yellowing visible of the sticky side of the patch. This is normal. You will be able to swim, shower and bath while wearing the patch. If you are going to swim for a long period of time and you are worried about the patch falling off you can always secure it with an additional piece of tape or a band-aid. It is recommended that you avoid using soap on the patch itself or the skin immediately adjacent to it. Soap can actually increase the rate at which nicotine is absorbed. Once you have applied the patch you should wash your hands to make sure that you do not accidentally transfer any nicotine to a sensitive area like your nose or eyes. Should a NicabateCQ patch fall off then you can reattach it using some tape over the top of it. The patch will continue to work as long as it is held against your skin. You simply wear one patch for 24 hours and then remove it, replacing it with a fresh patch. This is usually done in the morning. If you have trouble removing the patch then try rubbing an oil-based product like baby oil into the patch to help break up the adhesive. If you forget to change a patch at the usual time, don't panic. Just change it when you do remember and then put on a fresh patch at the same time you normally would. You must only wear one NicabateCQ patch at a time. Is NicabateCQ right for me? NicabateCQ is not to be used by non-smokers. Their systems have not developed the tolerance for nicotine that a smoker's body has. You should not use the patches if you are intending to become pregnant during their use or you are already pregnant. It is recommended that you do not use the patches if you are breast-feeding. You should not use NicabateCQ if you have recently suffered a stroke or from a heart attack. Because the surface of the skin plays such an important part in the nicotine transferral process, you should not use the patches if you currently suffer from any severe skin disease that may hinder their use. You should also not use the patches if you are allergic to any of the components used in the patch, including the adhesive used to hold them onto you skin. You should consult your doctor or pharmacist if you suffer from heart diseases such as heart palpitations, an irregular heartbeat, severe angina or a circulatory condition. High blood pressure, gastric or peptic ulcers, hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid), kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, phaeochromocytoma, gastric or peptic ulcers are other conditions that may prevent you from using NicabateCQ. Your doctor and pharmacist can also help you to understand how NicabateCQ may react with any medications that you are already taking. Your physiology will change once you stop smoking and your body returns to a healthier state. Sometimes this can alter how your system processes certain medications and may necessitate an adjustment in the dosage of medication that you are taking. Examples of these medications include insulin, imipramine, theophylline or pentazocine. You should not smoke while using NicabateCQ patches. The patches begin to release nicotine as soon as they are applied to the skin. The nicotine is released throughout the 24-hour period, reaching a peak after the first 2 to 4 hours. Nicotine will still remain in your system several hours after removing the patch. If you smoke while using NicabateCQ you increase the risk of an overdose of nicotine. While rare, the symptoms of such an overdose include a headache, confusion, blurred vision, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhoea, an irregular pulse, abdominal pain, increased salivation and sweating. Smoking while using the patch would also greatly reduce your chances of quitting cigarettes. The advantage of the NicabateCQ 24-hour patch is that it lasts 24 hours. This is a big help to those smokers who found that other 16-hour patches were not sufficient to stop them waking up in the morning with a monumental craving for cigarettes. As long as you do not find your sleep patterns too disrupted by using the longer lasting patches then NicabateCQ provides an ideal solution to this problem. They also offer all the simplicity of using an NRT patch. They are discreet and the correct daily dosage is all taken care of once you stick it on. The patches supply a steady amount of nicotine the body so they avoid the problems encountered by some users of NRT gum or inhalers. Those who use these more immediate forms of NRT sometimes only use them when they feel the urge to smoke rather than by using the product on a consistent basis to ensure that their body gets the nicotine required. Does NicabateCQ have any side effects? NicabateCQ patches last 24 hours, which means that the body is receiving a steady intake of nicotine, even at night while you sleep. Even the heaviest smoker may not be used to absorbing nicotine while they sleep. This often explains why they wake up in the morning craving a cigarette, the one that some people will tell you is the most satisfying cigarette of the day. Sometimes the presence of nicotine in the body at night can lead to initial mild insomnia, restless sleep, or colourful and vivid dreams. Some users of NicabateCQ patches experience a mild burning sensation or itchiness when they first apply a patch. These symptoms do not usually persist for more than an hour. If the area where a patch was applied appears red then the problem should disappear in a day's time. This is why you should rotate the area that you attach the patch to through a number of sites on the skin. If the problem persists you should consult your doctor or pharmacist as you may have an allergy to one of the patch's components. Initially, some users may experience headaches, nausea, a sore throat or cough, diarrhoea, sweating, dizziness, weakness or a mild stomach upset. Try not to mistake what you think are the side effects of using NicabateCQ patches with symptoms of nicotine withdrawal which include irritability, restlessness, weight gain and a mild depression. How much NicabateCQ should I use? The recommended course of treatment for NicabateCQ is the 6-2-2 Committed Quitter's Programme. There are three strengths of 24-hour patches available as part of the NicabateCQ system. The strongest is the 21 milligram (mg) patch which releases 21mg of nicotine over its 24-hour lifespan. The middle patch is 14mg and the smallest of the series is the 7mg patch. Each box contains seven patches, or a week's worth of treatment. During the standard 10 week programme you start by using the 21mg patch over the first 6 weeks. In the next two weeks you would use the smaller 14mg patch as you work towards weaning yourself off nicotine completely. The 7mg patch is used in the two weeks after this. By following this programme you are gradually reducing the amount of nicotine you put into your system until eventually you are able to stop using the patches without risking a return to smoking. The patches are easier to give up than cigarettes because they do not adjust your behaviour when you use them, nor do they give you the same instant gratification you get from a cigarette. NicabateCQ patches only release the nicotine slowly through the skin and into the bloodstream. As always, such programmes have a degree of flexibility. If you are only a light smoker you may be best to start with the 14mg patches, using them for 6 to 8 weeks before moving on the 7mg patches for the last 2 to 4 weeks of the treatment. It depends on the individual, how much they were accustomed to smoking, and the level of their desire to stop smoking. It is suggested that you do not use Nicabate patches for longer than three months but there are few negatives in using the patches when compared to the damage caused by smoking. You may need to extend the duration of their use beyond this in order to prevent you relapsing into smoking. If this is the case, you should see your doctor or pharmacist regarding the best course of action.

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